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- Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 16:04:24 -0800
- From: philip@crl.com (Phil Stripling)
- Subject: The Civlized Explorer Home Page
- <HTML>
- <TITLE>The Civilized Explorer Home Page</TITLE>
- <head>
- <tt>Revised 23 April 1995</tt>
- <center><HR size=5>
- <H1><pre>W E L C O M E T O
- <HR size=3 width=222 align=center>
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- <BODY>
- <p>
- This will be a long page, so I'm putting the commercial up front. OOPS!
- Did I say <font size=+2>commercial</font>??? On the
- <font size =+4>net</font>??????</p>
- <p>
- Yep, commercials have hit the Internet big time. This week's issue is devoted
- to advertising on the net -- How the big boys go about getting your bucks.
- Some of the advertisers jump through hoops to keep you coming back. Some are
- sweating the Congressional ban on advertising -- cigarettes, hard liquor.
- All of them want <font size=+2>you</font> because they think you've got big
- bucks to spend.</p>
- <p>
- But first, <em>my</em> commercial ... Come with me now to the swaying palms
- and warm waters of the friendly French West Indies, where, to keep you coming
- back, I change pictures and add new articles every week. This is The Civilized
- Explorer Home Page, the jump site to the French West Indies page and to
- other pages related to each week's theme.</p>
- <p>
- Many of us like to travel and explore the world around us. The invention
- of browsers and the World Wide Web is a marvelous way to preview the
- sites we might like to explore. While many like to rough it in their
- adventures, others might prefer the comforts of civilization. One of the
- many wonderful surprises of travel is that other places are more
- civilized than our home environs. I hope that this page will serve as a
- jumping off point for many Civilized Explorers.
- <p>
- My favorite vacation spots are three of the islands in the
- <A HREF="fwi.html">French West Indies</A>. I have a jumpsite for your perusal.
- If you haven't seen these pages before, a note before you go. The
- French West Indies are top- optional and clothing- optional. <b>FWI</b> takes
- some time to download because of images, some of which illustrate the casual
- nature of attire in the islands. None of the images shows anything you can't
- see on American broadcast television, and I have to confess I take more
- pictures of women than of men, but the guys <em>are</em> topless.</p>
- <p>
- If you're using a <A HREF="Lfwi.html">TEXT</A>-based browser,
- I've added descriptions of the pictures and linked you to pages
- set up just for you.</p>
- <HR width=222 align=center>
- <p>
- Been getting "Connection refused by host" when you crank up Netscape?
- According to published reports, Netscape is the hottest commercial site on the
- web. The April 10, 1995 issue of <i>Inter@ctive Week</i> states that
- Netscape gets over 3 million hits a day from some 500,000 visitors. (In
- contrast, according to <i>Inter@ctive Week</i>, <i>Penthouse</i> and
- <i>Playboy</i> each claim a million hits per day.) With its traffic,
- Netscape is reported to charge $40,000 per quarter to those wishing to be
- seen on the site.
- </p>
- <p>
- But companies are having fits trying to figure out how to have an ad that won't
- get flamed by netters who are dead set against commercializing the net. And
- there's no real way to get good demographics about who's visiting the site.
- And how do you keep 'em coming back so you can hook 'em into
- <strong>buying</strong>?</p>
- <p>
- Zima has an ongoing storyline at its site. Federal Express lets you track your
- package while you're seeing it ads for itself. Another way is to hook up to an
- already heavily trafficked web page -- Silicon Graphics is paying to adverstise
- on W<font size=+2>i</font>R<font size=+2>e</font>D -- $15,000 a month
- according to <em>Internet World</em> (May 1995).
- Another heavy traffic site is, of course, O'Reilly & Associates with their
- NCSA What's New page which ORA handles for Mosaic. Even cities are getting into
- the act, along with hotels, chambers of commerce, and sports teams.</p>
- <p>
- Here, in random order, are links to the commercial world of the Internet.
- Have a nice surf.</P>
- <p>
- <dl>
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.stoli.com">Stolichnaya Vodka</A>
- <dd>Stoli wants to be your comrade
- <font size=-1>(and see down at the bottom of their ad where it
- says</font> charities<font size=-1>? They're really good guys
- after all!)</font>
- <dt><A
- HREF="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/Docs/whats-new.html">NCSA
- What's New</A>
- <dd>Good grief! Can't they get a shorter URL?
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.timeinc.com/vibe"><blink>Vibe Magazine</blink></A>
- <dd>INCREDIBLE home page! PLEASE check this out. Great vanity plate.
- Is it Prince or Michael Jackson? (Oh, and look for the De
- Kuypers ad)
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.fid-inv.com">Fidelity Investments</A>
- <dd>Here's a contest for you to enter (and give them valuable
- demographics about yourself)
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.sj-sharks.com">San Jose Sharks</A>
- <dd>A hockey team in San Jose, CA, USA
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.zima.com/zimag.html">Zima Clearmalt</A>
- <dd>Join tribe Z (and give valuable demographics about yourself) --
- and while you're having your Zima brew, take a look at
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.mariners.org/">Seattle Mariners</A>
- <dd>A major league baseball team in Seattle, WA, USA. Surprisingly
- good graphics. They call it their Home Plate. Cute, huh?
- <dt><A
- HREF="http://www.interport.net:80/village/village2/front.html">Barns &
- Noble</A>
- <dd>You always wanted to read a book review online ...
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.fedex.com">Federal Express</A>
- <dd>Actually something useful. Type in your Airbill Tracking
- Number and find out if your package has been delivered
- <dt><A HREF="http://att.net/dir800">AT&T Toll Free Directory</A>
- <dd>Hey! Two in a row that might do you some good -- A directory
- of 800 numbers
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.sail4U.be/Sail4U">Sail4U</A>
- <dd>Sail4U works on their logo ... Want to buy or charter a sailboat
- anywhere in the world? This is the place
- <dt><A HREF="http://nflhome.com">NFL</A>
- <dd>The home page of the National Football League. They call it
- NFL Sidelines. Sidelines? Am I missing something? Is <em>that</em>
- where I want to be?
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.hp.com/">Welcome to Hewlett-Packard</A>
- <dd>Hewlett-Packard's home page
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.cathay-usa.com/home.html">Cathay Pacific USA</A>
- <dd>Monthly contests for free trips to the Asian rim
- <DT><A HREF="http://www.nisus-soft.com/~nisus/">Nisus Software Inc. Home
- Page</A>
- <dd>Makers of Nisus Writer; interesting image map with an Easter egg
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.novell.com/ServSupp/mac/">WordPerfect HomePage</A>
- <dd>Lots of info for WordPerfect; suprisingly useful
- <dt><A HREF="http://www.mcp.com/"><blink>MacMillan SuperLibrary</blink></A>
- <dd>This is a useful site. They have lots to browse online --
- sample chapters and tables of contents from their books, CD
- sound samples, & they're offering a 20% discount for online
- orders. Highly recommended. (Plus, if you complete their survey
- and give them valuable demographics, you <em>may</em> win a
- Tshirt!
- <DT><A HREF="http://www.phantom.com/">MindVox World Wide Web Server!</A>
- <dd>WIRED wannabe in New York -- Complex vanity plate, so it takes
- a while to load
- </dl></p>
- <hr width=340 align=center>
- <p>
- Notice that the commercial sites want information from you. This info is
- valuable to them and cannot be collected in any other way. There is no Nielson
- for web sites, and the adverstisers want to know if their money is well-
- spent. You will have noticed that they also all offer games, prizes, contests
- -- anything to <em>keep you</em> coming back. Advertisers cannot blitz the
- net like they do the airwaves -- <strong>You</strong> control whether you come
- back to visit their site, and <em>they want you back</em> .</p>
- <p>
- <A HREF="http://www.crl.com/~philip/19950416.html">Last week's</A> issue
- contains links to various sites outside the USA, including jump sites to
- home pages in Great Britain and Europe.
- <p>
- Next week, the topic will be art and artful home pages. And don't forget to
- visit <em>my</em> page at the <A HREF="fwi.html">French West Indies</A>.</p>
- <p>
- If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please feel free to
- drop me a line. </p>
- <p>
- <tt>Phil Stripling</tt></p>
- <p>
- <address><a href="mailto:philip@crl.com">philip@crl.com</a></address>
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